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  1. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Other options require a different way of thinking.

    China is the key.
    China is the super power of this century.

    Making them an ally would be a sensible start.

    Making them an adversary is pointless and counter productive , and simply denying reality.

    Sure , the US is still a super power ,
    but a rather impotent one.
    Their methods have failed for decades.

    It's past time to give up on the past cold war mentality ,
    and try something different.

    Without learning to understand the Chinese and how to get along and cooperate with them ,
    the prognosis is not good

    Dealing with China requires showing respect , behaving respectfully ,
    and earning their respect.
    That is the starting point.
    Without that , your just pushing shit uphill
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    After the Inchon Landing of September 1950 the North Korean Army retreated north. Communist China said it would not oppose the presence of South Korean troops in North Korea, but it would not allow American troops to reach the Yalu River that was the boundary between North Korea and Manchuria.

    Gen. MacArthur thought the Communist China were bluffing. Gen. MacArthur was mistaken. He issued a demand for unconditional surrender to North Korea. When American troops reached the Yalu River the Chinese counter attacked. The Korean War lasted until 1953.

    The Chinese had and have legitimate security concerns with North Korea. In 1931 the Japanese invaded Manchuria through Korea.

    After the Inchon Landing a better policy for the United Nations forces would have been to conquer the southern half of North Korea, and leave what remained as a buffer zone with Communist China.

    What remained of North Korea would have been too small to threaten South Korea again, but it would have allayed Chinese concerns about the possibility of American aggression.

    During the Korean War a less aggressive policy by the United States would have achieved a better result sooner at less cost in lives, destruction, and money.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    If China is the key, then the key is broken.... China is either unwilling or unable to do what is necessary.

    China is not the super power you think they are. The country is over populated. They have 900 million people living in poverty.

    China will have mounting internal political problems of it's own to deal with in the future.

    But the real bottom line with China is, they aren't interested in helping or promoting US influence in their part of the world. China's actions in the South China sea prove that....
    1. slutwolf
      Who mentioned promoting US influence ?
      What dose that have to do with the problem under discussion ?
      Why should the solution revolve around just the US's interests ?

      Chinas internal problems , politics , economy and all similar , is their business , not ours , not the US's ,
      and nothing to do with this problem also.

      You may be under the illusion they are not a super power , but though I and many disagree ,
      that also has no bearing on the subject of what to do about NK.

      The simple reality is that they do hold the keys.

      Chinas actions in the South China Sea certainly prove one thing ,
      incontrovertibly .
      The US has very little or no influence in the area any more.
      If they had had , why on earth did they simply allow China to just do as they pleased ?
      But again , that's done n dusted , and has no bearing on the NK situation ,
      unless you allow a bruised pride to get in the way of common sense.
      slutwolf, Jul 5, 2017
      Distant Lover likes this.
  4. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    We need to see this conflict the way China sees it. If we can, we may get Chinese cooperation in resolving it.

    It is in China's interest that North Korea survive as a buffer against American military forces. It is also in China's interest that there not be a nuclear war in Korea. If North Korea launches a nuclear attack on South Korea, Japan, or the United States, North Korea will be devastated in the U.S. response, which will probably be nuclear.

    Wind generally goes from east to west. The fallout from nuclear explosions will drift over China.

    It would be in China's interest for Kim Jong-un to be replaced with a docile, puppet dictator who will do what Chinese leaders tell him to do, and who will not start a war that cannot possibly be in China's interest.

    The school yard taunts Trump is tweeting are not helping. This is not the time to demand that the Chinese help us. This is the time to make the Chinese want to help us for mutual benefit.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. slutwolf

      Geez , I was beginning to think I was a lone voice in the idea of putting common sense and common good ahead of political grandstanding , and misplaced pride.
      slutwolf, Jul 5, 2017
      Distant Lover likes this.
    2. RandyKnight
      there is a real team....SW and DL...

      RandyKnight, Jul 5, 2017
  5. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Here is a possible solution.
    If nothing succeeds and it ends in a war.

    China could take over all of Korea.

    Who knows what they'll do if a war situation is forced on them , on their border.
    They won't allow the US or US backed SK to take over and move up to their border.

    By sheer numbers and proximity ,
    they'd be almost unstoppable.
    Only about 250km , 150 miles between China and SK border ,
    and nowhere in SK more than about
    600 km , 375 m from China.

    That would be a possible solution.
    Not very satisfactory for anyone except China ,
    but they may prefer it to alternatives ,
    if pushed.

    Russia may prefer something similar to.
    It's certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that there'd be some cooperation if push came to shove.

    Vladivostok is also only about 600 km from SK ,
    and with road access into NK on their border.
  6. TwoCards

    TwoCards Porn Star Banned!

    Jun 7, 2014
    The key is China. But it is up to them to decide to curb and leash their neighbor. To date they seem unwilling. Has nothing to do with any other countries interest. Has to do with letting the diminutive psychopath have nuclear tipped toys and targets on his mind. Perhaps someone will take the issue seriously when real estate in the region glows...who knows.
  7. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Trade between China and North Korea has increased in the first quarter of 2017. So much for China complying with sanctions against North Korea.
  8. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
  9. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    North Korean leader Kim Jung UN promises more "gift packages" for the western US.

    Now might be a good time for west coast Americans to sell and move east.
  10. deleted user 777 698

    deleted user 777 698 Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 9, 2015
    No... not that...
  11. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Even though that is probably true this is not the time to say so.

    Right now Trump needs to make the Chinese want to do what every sensible person wants them to do, which is to exert some control over Kim Jong-un.
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And since the Chinese appear unwilling or unable to get the madman under control, it could fall to other countries to do that.
    The UN should be leading this discussion but they are not.
    The US cannot ignore North Korea, but we do not want an open conflict with them.
    Shooter thinks the answer is to do what worked since 1953; an embargo and sanctions.
    Meanwhile, we give China the reason(s) why they should not want an armed North Korea.
    Like, for example pointing out that having a cranky spoiled child in your back yard waving around a loaded pistol cannot have a good outcome.
  13. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Well, there is another way to get China's attention. However, it would only work with the full cooperation of the South Korean government.

    The US could announce it is putting nuclear weapons in South Korea. This would put China in panic mode and more than likely force them to do something to remedy the situation.

    All this is very unlikely to happen....
    1. slutwolf
      Why not just a nuclear armed sub
      or two ,
      one in the Yellow Sea ,
      one in the Sea of Japan ,
      no need for SK to be involved.
      But would it work ?
      would it be counter productive ?
      Where might China's ICBMs be aimed.
      And might it provoke post #366
      slutwolf, Jul 6, 2017
    2. CS natureboy
      The US does not disclose the location of nuclear armed submarines on deployment.

      They might already be in the Yellow sea or some place else. That information is considered top secret. The military personal that serve on those subs can't even tell their own family where they will be deployed.
      CS natureboy, Jul 6, 2017
    3. shootersa
      This, by the way, is exactly what Russia did sending missiles to Cuba. You see, President Kennedy had approved the placement of tactical nuclear missiles (the Jupiter, a medium range nuclear missile) in Turkey.
      Kruschev decided that since the US wouldn't voluntarily remove them, he would put nuclear missiles in Cuba.

      So, perhaps sending China President Kennedy's book "13 days" and overtly starting to move missiles into South Korea might get the Chinese to take care of this.

      Of course, we don't need South Korea at all. As noted above, a couple of nuclear armed subs can carry the same message...........
      shootersa, Jul 6, 2017
    4. slutwolf
      The scenario is reverse
      US forced the imposter out of Cuba.

      Force China's hand , and the US would be the imposter ,
      and you'd be forcing Russia's hand at the same time.
      China , NK and Russia all aiming at SK ,
      from 180° ,
      (in a distance equivalent Miami to Corpus Cristi
      Seoul being where New Orleans is ,
      well inside the 180° arc)

      a very dangerous Mexican standoff .
      (back to post #366)
      slutwolf, Jul 6, 2017
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Why do you constantly lie? It is just both stupid and pathetic. North Korea has not demonstrated anything that can reach Hawaii or California.

    But ... but ... I thought the UN is worthless.

    You are just so full of shit. There is no way we can hit North Korea and wipe them out before they can retaliate.

  15. Jdbfromnj

    Jdbfromnj Porn Star

    May 10, 2017
    Don't worry Stumbler. Hawaii and Alaska are safe. I tweeted Kim Jung UN your home address, so the next "gift package" will be delivered to your front door.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Another really impotent dodge to try and cover up the fact that about all you do is in fact and in deed lie.
    1. Jdbfromnj
      Yep. I'm lying about the fact that N Korea has the ability to reach Hawaii or Alaska. You caught me, government officials and media in a great big lie.
      Jdbfromnj, Jul 6, 2017
  17. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Don't worry people.
    Trump is on the job. He will protect you.
    He will even protect those crazies who are crying so much about Hillary loosing the election.
    Hell, he will even protect Hillary's drunk ass.
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Yes you are now telling two lies. You did not say "Hawaii or Alaska." You said Hawaii or possibly even California.

    And you are still lying about Hawaii.

    U.S. Confirms North Korea Fired Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Russia blocks UN statement calling for North Korea sanctions

  20. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    I'm not convinced they can hit anything.

    Sending one up as high as you can , until it falls back into the ocean ,
    is hardly proof of ability to hit anything.

    On the other hand ,
    IF they can get it to go as far as seems to be theoretically possible ,
    and they aim right ,
    they'll probably hit something.

    Expert opinion seems to suggest they may be able to actually deliver to a target in about two years ,
    if the program proceeds successfully.

    So there may be about two years to reach some conclusion.

    Opinions I've seen also suggest they may have about 5 nuclear devices at this time.
    No information on where they are with making them small enough or rocketable.

    Given their progress , it is probably inevitable they will develop the capabilities in the next few years.

    Failing some diplomatic solution ,
    some time in that time frame ,
    someone needs to demonstrate the ability to shoot them down ,
    you'd think.

    Dose that ability exist ?
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Jdbfromnj
      I wonder what would happen if one of those test fires went awry and accidentally landed in China or hit one of their ships. Now that would be fucking funny.
      Jdbfromnj, Jul 7, 2017