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  1. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Only a socialist/communist can think like that.
  2. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    As it turns out, there is a socialist/communist doing some ''thinking'' in the hack fuck leftist $3.5 trillion bill.

    McCarthy said the multi-trillion spending plan would erode Medicare and Social Security. He also pointed out Joe Biden’s nomination of a pro-Soviet scholar, Saule Omarova, as the top banking regulator raises concerns of banking sector stability. McCarthy suggested those initiatives would fail the same way Obamacare did.

    “This person wasn’t like Bernie Sanders and went to Moscow for his honeymoon, she literally went to school there and got the scholarship, the Linen Scholarship, and did she get indoctrinated in that part? Talk about what she says,” McCarthy continued. “She thinks Moscow and Russia is better than capitalism. She thinks it’s more equalizing in pay than in America and they want her to be in control?”

    McCarthy went on to say Biden is making America less competitive, fueling inflation and increasing the role of government to unprecedented levels.

  3. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    CEOs of transnational corporations are stirring up fears of a possible default on U.S. national debt while calling it “a catastrophe.” In a video conference with Joe Biden on Wednesday, top executives from Citi Bank, Chase Bank and others claimed a U.S. default may cause a recession or a global financial crisis.

    The CEO of Citigroup, Jane Fraser, added that an actual default would be unprecedented and could be potentially far worse.

    “America simply cannot default on the debt because the U.S. Treasury market is the bedrock of our financial system domestically and globally,” she explained. “And defaulting is going to cause lasting damage to the credibility of the United States with investors and in financial markets around the world.”

    However, former Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas claimed the government taking on additional debt is more dangerous than a default. In the meantime, some economists say the U.S. has several options to avert an economic crisis even in the event of a default.
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Aint that hack fucks hero?...yup I think it is.
  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    So, the media is beginning to prepare America for the possibility that biden won't be able to actually deliver on his promises of free shit. Or, are they doing a diversion thingy hoping all moderates will stop worrying about pig bills, so Nancy Antoinette and the power rangers can then slip it to us without lube, you know, like they did with the ACA?

    Democrats Contemplate ‘Horrible Possibility’ That Reconciliation Bill Will Die (yahoo.com)
    Democrats Contemplate ‘Horrible Possibility’ That Reconciliation Bill Will Die
    Senate Democrats left for their weeklong recess on Friday in a dour mood.

    After weeks of negotiations, the majority of the Democratic caucus remains in a standoff with Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) over just how much to invest in President Joe Biden’s agenda.

    Democrats’ hopes of passing major legislation before the midterm elections rest on their ability to cobble together 50 votes in the Senate for the Build Back Better Act ― a sweeping package that would raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy in order to invest in climate policies and expand the nation’s social welfare system, from health care and elder care to child care and higher education.

    Manchin and Sinema initially seemed focused on the legislative package’s overall price tag, with both arguing that $3.5 trillion, a figure agreed to by moderates and progressives on the Senate Budget Committee, is too much spending. But the specifics of what they want to cut are not clear. And the mystery is feeding fears about the entire project failing.

    “Is there a possibility — a horrible possibility, which would be so terrible for this country — that because two people refuse to do what 96% of the caucus wants, that nothing will happen? There is that possibility,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the chair of the Senate Budget Committee, said Friday. “I think it’s a minimal possibility, but that possibility exists.”

    The White House has little time for pessimistic projections, instead arguing that the process of negotiating massive pieces of legislation, whether it be Obamacare in 2009 and 2010 or the GOP’s tax cuts in 2017, always involves ups and downs and negotiations with individual holdouts. Biden spent much of the past week meeting with different wings of the Democratic Party, in hopes of making progress toward a final package.

    Here’s What It Actually Means To Cut $1 Trillion From The Democrats’ Big Social Spending Bill (yahoo.com)
    Here’s What It Actually Means To Cut $1 Trillion From The Democrats’ Big Social Spending Bill
    WASHINGTON — Democrats are facing torturous choices of which social programs to slash or get rid of altogether, as they will have to cut $1 trillion or even $2 trillion out of their signature social spending bill.

    While the topline numbers have gotten a lot of attention, there’s been little public discussion about what cutting the Build Back Better Act in half actually looks like: abandoning programs and reforms badly wanted by progressives and centrists alike.

    Do you give up on a child tax credit that helped cut the child poverty level in half, or the country’s first universal paid family leave program? Do you drop prekindergarten subsidies or expanding Medicare to cover vision, hearing, and dental? What if you can afford investments in green energy or expanding the Affordable Care Act but not both?

    After winning the White House and Congress, Democrats kicked off an ambitious plan to holistically reform America’s social safety net and tackle climate change with massive investments in green energy. The total price tag, including tax credits, was set at $3.5 trillion over 10 years. Now, they’re looking at something around half that.

    Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are pushing their party to drastically shrink the size of their Build Back Better Act. It’s not clear what the final number will be but guesses range from $1.5 trillion — Manchin’s proposal — to President Joe Biden’s counteroffer of somewhere over $2 trillion.

    One of the top Democratic priorities is universal paid family and medical leave, allowing people to take paid time off due to illness, having a baby, or looking after a sick family member. Estimates peg this at about $550 billion. (All numbers are projected costs over 10 years, which is how Congress calculates the price.)

    Take that policy and add a few hundred billion to move the country toward green energy, plus around $800 billion to make permanent the universal child tax credit, enacted on a temporary basis earlier this year, that is giving parents up to $3,600 per year for each child. At that point, you’ve pretty much hit your budget cap.

    But this hypothetical bill doesn’t include things like expanding the Affordable Care Act to provide health insurance to over 2 million people, long-term care for older adults, universal prekindergarten for 3- and 4-year-olds, funding for schools, and many other prized progressive ideas. To add any of these, you have to either take something else out or shrink it way down.

    Democrats have two choices: They can either cut out major planks of the bill or they can winnow each program down, making them skimpier and temporary to fit into the budget. If you only extend the child tax credit for five years and bet that in 2026 the government of the day will extend it again, that brings down the price tag substantially. But if you bet wrong, the tax credit ends.
  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And while Shooter was hunting for the new thread about infrastructure bills that Aces started recently, he tripped over this thread hidden down in the basement storage vault.
    It is of no consequence by the way, why Shooter was in the basement storage vault, you know, where they keep all the old threads. And videos.

    Anyway, interesting to see attitudes from 4 years ago about infrastructure.
    America is slowly falling apart and infrastructure needs to be dealt with quickly ... | XNXX Adult Forum
  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    But hey, never let it be said a despicable doesn't respect views that differ from the official line;

    ‘We’re going to make her life unpleasant’: Activists aren’t finished with Kyrsten Sinema (yahoo.com)
    ‘We’re going to make her life unpleasant’: Activists aren’t finished with Kyrsten Sinema
    Grassroots activists and union groups are preparing to launch a flurry of protests later on Wednesday against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz) — who they worry could single-handedly sink President Biden’s agenda.

    “We’re committed to birddogging Kyrsten Sinema with her constituents until the very end,” Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese said in an interview. “What we want to show is that her constituents are very serious about wanting policies and activism and we're going to make her life unpleasant or uncomfortable until that happens.”

    Our Revolution, the Bernie Sanders-inspired grassroots group, is joining Arizona union leaders, educators and other grassroots activists for a series of demonstrations outside of her Phoenix and Tucson offices over the next several days, according to a strategy outline first shared with POLITICO.

    The planned demonstrations mark the next phase of an aggressive approach activists have taken to turn up the heat on Sinema, who has been a hold-out on the massive domestic spending plan that’s at the heart of Biden’s economic agenda.

    Last week, the in-your-face tactic came to head when protesters followed Sinema into a bathroom and filmed her. On Monday, they followed her to Boston where she was to compete in the marathon before a foot injury kept her from participating.

    Currently, activists on the ground in Arizona describe Sinema’s constituents bubbling over with frustration.

    “They want somebody to listen and the fact that that’s not happening is infuriating,” said Yolanda Bejarano, national legislative and field director for Communications Workers of America. “The folks are not strangers to her. They helped get her elected.”

    During the protests, the groups are heading a petition drive in an ongoing attempt to persuade Sinema to sign onto legislation that would strengthen unions and the right to organize.

    Sinema’s office had no comment on the next round of protests. Asked about the invasive nature of some of the tactics, like following Sinema into the bathroom of Arizona State University where she teaches a master’s course, an aide pointed to a statement Sinema released last week.
    1. FuntimeFla
      Funny how they are trying to present a narrative that Sinema's constituents are angry with her, when if fact it's likely a mere handful making a lot of noise!
      FuntimeFla, Oct 15, 2021
  9. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    So finally, someone is starting to read the details of the pig bills and we're learning what's in them. Not, mind you, all of it, but some highlights to contemplate as we watch the despicables hell bent on bankrupting the country.

    Column: People talk about the cost of that big federal bill but don't know what's in it. So we'll tell you (yahoo.com)
    Column: People talk about the cost of that big federal bill but don't know what's in it. So we'll tell you
    • Two provisions of the bill — making enhanced subsidies for purchases of Affordable Care Act health plans permanent, and filling in the gaps left by the refusal of 12 states to expand Medicaid under the ACA — would reduce the ranks of America's medically uninsured by 7 million, or 25%, in 2022. That's according to the Commonwealth Fund. Shooter note; that translates into a cut from 8% uninsured to 6%. And at what cost? Roughly $1 TRILLION! Cheaper just to buy those 2% insurance.
    • The act would appropriate $75 million over the next three years for education and outreach about ACA plans. Shooter note; that's right, $75 MILLION to educate (read; propaganda) us "worms" about our government provided health care options.
    • The measure would also significantly expand Medicare by adding vision, hearing and dental coverage beginning in 2022, 2023 and 2028, respectively. Shooter note; perhaps the biggest bullshit piece of the bill. As a forced member of the medicare community, no fucking thank you.
    • The act would make the Child Tax Credit, a feature of the COVID relief act, permanent. That credit comes to $3,000 per child ($3,600 for children ages 5 and younger), for households with income of up to $150,000 for a couple or $112,500 for single parents. That's most families. Shooter note; cause most families have never figured out how to care for their kids, not in 250 years. Classic case of make a problem, fix the problem, take a cut, and create an issue where there wasn't one before.
    • The act would also guarantee 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave per year, starting in mid-2023, for families welcoming a new child by birth, adoption or foster care, or caring for a seriously ill or injured family member. Shooter note; Cause, you know, companies don't provide paid family/medical leave or short term disability now days, do they?
    • The act would dramatically improve access to both preschool and higher education. It would allocate $200 billion for universal preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds, regardless of family income. The White House estimates the program would cover 5 million children and save the average family $13,000 once it's fully implemented, with states picking up part of the cost. Shooter note; translation; another way to fund child care. Cause we all know how well early education programs have worked.
    • The act would also aim to reduce the tuition cost of two-year community colleges to zero, with states picking up about one-fourth of the tab and the federal government covering the rest. Shooter note; And there it is. How to trash the entire community college network in one simple step.
    • The act would raise the maximum income tax rate to 39.6% from 37% on single filers with incomes over $400,000 and couples earning more than $450,000 and add a 3% surcharge on incomes over $5 million.
    • It would raise the top capital gains tax rate to 25% from the current 20%, effective for taxpayers in the same brackets as the income tax. It would accelerate a reduction in the exemption for the estate tax to $6.02 million from the current $11.7 million (that is, lowering the exemption for couples to $12.04 million from $23.4 million) so it takes effect in 2022 instead of 2026.
    • Those increases wouldn't pay for the whole package, but they would be a start — about $1 trillion in revenue increases over 10 years, the Tax Foundation calculates. Shooter note; putting lie to bidens claim that his pig bills won't cost us anything. You know, the old despicable tact of giving away "free shit" that is anything but. Free.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    People people people. We need to pass both bills so that we can find out what's in them.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Years ago there were protestors making a a lot of noise about something, and George Peppard was on the Dick Cavett show. He taped out a box on the floor representing the group the protestors claim to be speaking for. ( he claimed to have calculated this ) There was a 4 or 5 foot square. Then he pulls a business card and a hole punch out of his pocket and punches a hole in the card and lets the dot fall in the square. That he says "represents the protestors" !
    I figure it amounts to about the same for the protester's claiming to be Sinema's constituents!
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    So biden/harris plan to hang $11 TRILLION in new debt around America's neck is failing rapidly, in large part since the president's infamous "it won't cost a thing" statement left people slack jawed with amazement.

    Some really smart folks over at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) studied exactly how biden thinks he'd pay for his pork. Baseline reports show deficits of $12 TRILLION over the decade and a staggering $112 TRILLION over three decades.

    And that assumes biden would get his tax increases as he wants it.
    The problems with the tax increase part of his pork bill make it almost certain he won't.
    You know, get his tax increases like he wants.

    In fact, let’s add up all the common progressive tax proposals. Repeal the 2017 tax cuts, create 70 and 50 percent income-tax brackets, and cap the value of tax deductions. Raise capital-gains tax rates, apply them annually on paper gains and also at death. Apply Social Security taxes on all wages. Impose President Biden’s corporate tax increases, as well as Elizabeth Warren’s “real corporate profits” tax, and tax financial transactions (such as stock trades) and financial institutions. Finally, impose a carbon tax, Bernie Sanders’ 8 percent wealth tax, and his 77 percent estate tax. Layer all of these taxes on top of each other without regard to policy interactions, economic effects, or combined tax rates exceeding 100 percent. All of these taxes would raise approximately $13 trillion over the decade (or 4.5 percent of GDP), according to CBO and other mainstream public tax scores. Barely enough to balance the budget for the next decade, and then fall back into deficit thereafter.

    Even seizing all $4 trillion owned by American billionaires would fund the federal government one-time for just eight months and kill the golden goose.
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ proposed 70 percent income tax bracket would finance only 1.2 days of federal spending. And that's at current levels, forget biden's pork spending.

    Shooter has said before when despicables post, with delight, surveys that proclaim Americans are ready to pay for more government spending, the unspoken caveat is "as long as you tax the other guy".
    Turns out, Shooter is right.

    This math problem begets a political problem: Americans support progressive policies only if the new taxes to pay for them are limited to the wealthy. A 2019 Harris poll revealed that half of Democrats would oppose steep taxes on multi-millionaires if they were among the wealthy themselves. More broadly, polls have long shown that less than half (and sometimes far less) of Americans are willing to pay much higher taxes, even for more government services. And it gets worse when the tax is earmarked for the Green new deal, and for medicare for all. And, it spans political ideology. Even despicables decline the idea of higher taxes for climate, and education, and healthcare if they are expected to pay for it.

    Bernie’s Tax-the-Rich Bluff Just Got Called by His Fellow Dems (yahoo.com)
  14. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Confiscation is what tax dollars are...raising taxes is more confiscation.
  15. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    .... the people know what's happening....
  16. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Biden and the Progressives want to add 87,000 more IRS agents ( Police ) that they have been crying to defund ! Then basically spy on American's bank accounts, which would virtually create a black market economy similar to 3rd world nations. How many Billionaires become so through $600 transactions? That would take 166,666.67
    transactions, who has time for that? Calculated out it would take a year and a half to conduct those transactions. ( 5 min per ATM withdrawal )

    It's Nutty and foolish to begin with, it risks everyone's financial information to even more Identity theft, Who wants to pay for these 87,000 more "police" certainly not Democrats !

    So lets go back to the days when IRS Agent's were public enemy number 1. Idiots like " the squad " and " jayapal " were not even born to witness the hell the IRS would rain down on people back in those days ! Do we want those days back?
  17. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    But let’s not return to Obama’s IRS, that targeted conservative non profits for years.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    They are just determined, these despicables, to increase the size of the IRS empire.

    If the IRS would stop paying bonuses to undeserving employees and quit using taxpayer money for "retreats" to Las Vegas they'd have plenty of money for the agents they need.
  19. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Progressives dial back demands on passing reconciliation bill before infrastructure

    Multiple high-profile House progressives are saying they would accept assurances from President Biden that a reconciliation package will pass in exchange for their votes on the infrastructure bill, a softened stance that could help Democrats pass it this week.

    The comments represent the opinions of just two members out of dozens in the caucus, and Democrats only have a three-vote margin for error in the House. That means if a potential deal is not good enough in the eyes of just a handful of members – or if enough insist on reconciliation passing first – those members could blow up any infrastructure vote this week.

    "Here's the thing: The president looked at us in the eye and he said, ‘I need this before I go represent the United States in Glasgow, American prestige is on the line,’" Khanna said Sunday.
  20. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Passing either on of these bills is a horrible idea.
    1. Randy Johnson1
      The original infrastructure bill is not too bad. It's about half pork and have funding for needed projects. Of course that ratio can easily change. Obama passed his big economic stimulus package and then he couldn't find any "shovel read jobs." Remember? I guess a few outdoor toilets in federal parks got replaced. That's about it.
      Randy Johnson1, Nov 7, 2021