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I made all of my dinners in an air fryer for a week, and there are 5 easy recipes I'd make again

Author Chelsea Davis smiling with air fryer
I tried to make all of my dinners in an air fryer for a week. Chelsea Davis
  • I made seven dinners in an air-fryer and found a few easy recipes I'd make again. 
  • Though most of the recipes I tried can be made in an air fryer, some shouldn't be cooked this way.
  • The chicken thighs were my favorite because they came out with crunchy skin and juicy, tender meat.

I'm obsessed with my air fryer, and I've used it to cook dishes from chocolate-chip cookies to corn riblets.

To put the appliance to the test, I decided to try making a week's worth of dinners in my air fryer.

Here's what I will and won't be making again. 

First, I tried making air-fryer eggplant

Air fryer with eggplant and seasonings in front of it
This was my first time cooking eggplant. Chelsea Davis

The eggplant recipe I found from food blogger Melanie Cooks couldn't be more straightforward.

First, I chopped the eggplant into 1-inch cubes. Then, I tossed them in olive oil, garlic powder, red pepper, paprika, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper.

Eggplant bits in air fryer not cooked, then cooked on right side
Prepping the eggplant was super simple. Chelsea Davis

I placed my seasoned cubes into the preheated air fryer at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes, shaking halfway through.

I'd make this again as a side dish 

Cooked eggplant pieces in bowl
The texture wasn't overly soggy, as many eggplant dishes can be. Chelsea Davis

This was my first time cooking eggplant, and I thought the dish turned out surprisingly well.

The bites were flavorful and a bit crispy — not overly mushy, which can happen often with eggplant dishes.

Overall, this was super easy to make and delicious, just not super filling. I'd make it again as a side for a heartier main course.

The next recipe was for hot dogs, which seemed weird to me

Hot dog, buns in front of air fryer
I had only ever cooked hot dogs in boiling water. Chelsea Davis

Food blogger Little Sunny Kitchen said these were the "best hot dogs" I would ever make.

I was skeptical about making a hot dog in an air fryer, but I loved not having to boil them and deal with the gross-smelling water that results from that. 

It was too easy to mess up

hot dog in an air fryer next to toasted bun in air fryer
The cuts in the hot dog end up making it look professional. Chelsea Davis

After preheating the air fryer to 390 degrees Fahrenheit, I made a few shallow cuts on the hot dogs to prevent them from inflating or exploding.

Next, I put them in the air fryer for six minutes. I also toasted my buns in the air fryer. 

These hot dogs were great

Hot dog toasted in bun on plate
I loved the toasted bun. Chelsea Davis

The buns were the true game changer. Before this, I'd eat my hot dogs with untoasted buns because I found them difficult to crisp properly in a regular toaster. 

But, after just a few minutes in the air fryer, they were perfect for the well-cooked hot dogs. I will definitely make this recipe again.

The next dinner was an air-fryer pizza

frozen pizza box with cheese, tomatoes, in front of air fryer
I used a frozen pizza as my crust. Chelsea Davis

I loosely followed a recipe from the blogger Fabulessly Frugal, who wrote you could make this pizza in the oven for 10 minutes and get the same results as doing so in the air fryer. 

This recipe calls for premade crust, but I used a frozen pizza as my base. Fortunately, this wasn't an issue.

My air-fryer baskets are small, so I had to cut my pizza before cooking it. I put the pizza in the air fryer for about six to seven minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Composite of frozen pizza slices in air fryer next to cooked pizza slices in air fryer
I wasn’t the biggest fan of having to cut the pizza in quarters for it to fit in the fryer. Chelsea Davis

The crust cooked quickly. Then, I followed the directions like it was a plain crust and topped it with slices of mozzarella and tomato.

The recipe said to use Campari tomatoes, but I used cherry ones. They were so small that they slid off my pizza while it heated up in the air fryer. 

Pizza slices with cherry tomatoes
I don't suggest using cherry tomatoes. Chelsea Davis

Still, I popped my pizza slices back into the air-fryer baskets and cooked them for five or so minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

The cheese quickly melted, and I topped my slices with fresh basil and olive oil.

The finished product came out tasty, with good texture and flavor

Pizza slices with cherry tomatoes, basil, mozarella
I was a big fan of the fresh basil on top. Chelsea Davis

I liked how crispy the crust turned out, and the pizza had a nice flavor. 

Although this was delicious, it was more complicated than just placing a whole pizza in the oven. My air-fryer baskets are small, so I had to cook four slices at a time instead of an entire pie at once.

I'm sure it'd be just as tasty with a plain crust, too. Even so, it seemed unnecessary to use an air fryer instead of my oven.

Next up was air-fryer chicken

chicken thighs and seasonings in front of air fryer
This simple and straightforward recipe is a winner. Chelsea Davis

Food blog Low Carb With Jennifer's recipe requires only bone-in, skin-on chicken (trimmed) and some spices.

I shook my chicken thighs in a large bag with kosher salt, smoked paprika, garlic powder, oregano, and onion powder to coat it in seasonings. Once the air fryer was preheated to 380 degrees Fahrenheit, it was time to cook them.  

Composite of uncooked chicken thighs next to cooked chicken thighs in air fryer
This method is so much easier than using the broiler. Chelsea Davis

First, I sprayed the baskets with oil and placed the thighs skin-side down for 12 minutes. I then flipped them and cooked them for another 10 minutes.

This recipe was my favorite

Chicken thighs cooked on plate
I will definitely cook these again because they're quick to make and delicious. Chelsea Davis

I was impressed by how quickly and easily this recipe came together.

The resulting chicken thighs had crispy, well-seasoned skin and juicy, tender meat. 

I had fun making mozzarella sticks

Eggs, string cheese, flour on counter
I enjoyed making these. Chelsea Davis

The food blogger Kimspired's quick mozarella-stick recipe calls for light string cheese, Italian breadcrumbs, an egg, and flour, plus marinara sauce for dipping.

First, I put my egg, breadcrumbs, and flour in three separate containers.

Mozzarella sticks next to flour, egg, breadcrumb station for dipping
Rolling the sticks in the flour was oddly satisfying for me. Chelsea Davis

After unwrapping the cheese, I coated it in flour, dipped it in egg, and then breadcrumbs. My favorite part was making sure each stick was perfectly coated in crumbles, which felt therapeutic and oddly satisfying. 

Then, the cheese sticks needed to be frozen for about an hour so they could firm up before being fried. 

Once they were done chilling, I popped the sticks into my 400-degree-Fahrenheit air fryer for four minutes, flipped them, and cooked them for another four minutes. 

These came out cheesy and delicious 

Mozzerella sticks with bowl of marinara
These were delicious and a great party snack. Chelsea Davis

Some of the cheese ended up oozing out of the breading, especially after I flipped them.

Still, they stayed together pretty well and tasted delicious. I also liked dipping the sticks in marinara. 

Next, I tried making vegan air-fryer taquitos

Tortillas, onion, potato on cutting board
I needed a potato for my taquitos. Chelsea Davis

The vegan taquito recipe I used is from Allrecipes, and its main ingredients include potato, onion, and corn tortillas.

The potato had to be cooked so I could make my filling, so I microwaved it for a bit to try to speed up the process.

While the potato cooked, I made the sauce by simmering minced garlic and chopped onion in vegan butter. Next, I mashed my potato and combined it with salt, pepper, almond milk, and the buttery mixture.

Then, I put the filling aside and heated my tortillas so I could roll the taquitos up.

I heated the tortillas on the grate of a gas stove to make them easily rollable. This was tedious, and I found they could burn quickly if I looked away for even a minute. 

Once I had my tortilla perfectly heated, I put a spoonful of my mashed-potato mixture inside it and rolled it up.

Tortilla with mashed potatoes in center
I placed the mashed potatoes in my tortilla. Chelsea Davis

Finally, I put the rolled taquitos in the preheated air fryer at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

After seven minutes, I flipped them, sprayed them with oil, then cooked them for three more minutes. 

These came out OK but were more work than I'd prefer

hand holding taquito with mashed potatoes inside
They didn't quite come out crunchy enough. Chelsea Davis

These taquitos took a little more time to prepare than I'd anticipated. 

The filling was good and tasted like garlic mashed potatoes, but I would've preferred to eat it without the semi-crunchy tortilla wrapper that almost overpowered its flavor. 

It's nice that these were vegan, but I almost wish I'd chosen a recipe with meat to add some texture. Even so, the taquitos weren't too hard to make and tasted good enough for a snack.

The last thing I made was air-fryer grilled cheese

Ingredients for grilled cheese in front of air fryer
This was another easy recipe. Chelsea Davis

Food blogger This Old Gal makes her grilled cheese with three simple, classic ingredients: bread, cheese, and butter.

I buttered one side of each piece of bread, placed cheese inside, then cooked my sandwich in a preheated air fryer at 370 degrees Fahrenheit for four minutes on each side.

My sandwich turned out wonderfully cheesy 

Grilled cheese sandwich in hand
This sandwich was cheesy, gooey and crunchy. Chelsea Davis

The recipe recommends using toothpicks to hold the bread down, but I didn't have any, so I had to rearrange the bread midway through cooking, as it had blown off.

Still, these sandwiches came out cheesy and fabulous — though I could've almost as easily made them in a pan.

Each recipe was good enough to try, and I'd probably make all but 2 again

Hot dogs and taquitos in front of air fryer
I'd make nearly every recipe again, except the pizza and taquitos. Chelsea Davis

I wouldn't cook the pizza or taquitos in the air fryer next time, but everything else felt surprisingly easier to make in the small-but-mighty appliance.

The hot dog, grilled cheese, eggplant, and mozzarella sticks were all winners — and the chicken thighs took the crown for most filling and worthwhile.

This story was originally published on June 29, 2021, and most recently updated on December 9, 2024.

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