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How would you rather be jacked off???

  1. Firm grip

  2. Soft grip

  3. Other, If you chose this one please explain :D

  1. sexygirl69

    sexygirl69 Porn Surfer

    Aug 5, 2008
    I love to suck dick and i feel like you could never know too much about what guys like and want. Guys, tell me what you like to get the most during a blow job. Whats your favorite thing that just sends you over the edge.... ;-)
  2. Bukkake Bunny

    Bukkake Bunny Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    For fuck's sake, use your tongue.
  3. sexygirl69

    sexygirl69 Porn Surfer

    Aug 5, 2008
    Can you be specific?
  4. beninabox

    beninabox Porn Star

    Sep 6, 2008
    I love it when the girl makes lots of eye contact, looking up at me like there is no place she would rather be. As vocal as she can be with my cock in her mouth and as wet and slippery as she can make it.
    This might sound weird but if she is wearing cheap black eyeliner so that it runs down her face when her eyes water as she gags on my cock, I am in heaven.
  5. beninabox

    beninabox Porn Star

    Sep 6, 2008
    also, if she wants me to cum, mouth and hand action is pretty critical.
  6. egaddd

    egaddd Porn Surfer

    Oct 29, 2008
    Eye contact. Change things up (lick, tickle and pull on balls, play with taint, Go shallow, go deep, fast slow, tease him, etc.). Sometimes if i get really into it, and really hard, it's cool if a girl slows down for a little and pauses, and then goes at it again. The pauses make things more intense somehow.

    But really, the key is to do it with passion, and get into it, and do what turns you on about giving a blow job. Men love a girl who's legitimately turned on by sucking your cock.
  7. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    I want her to start out slow, teasing, licking around the shaft, kissing, playing with the head, before she even takes my cock in her mouth, then to slowly take my cock in her mouth, gradually taking it deeper and deeper, using her tongue the whole time, flicking it over and swirling it around my head, along my shaft, gradually speeding up her pace, and when she does have to come up for air, either licking along my shaft, or jerking me off and licking her lips, looking up at me, and towards the end, I want her to twist her hand along my shaft as she sucks my cock, and at the very end, to get me to cum hard, I want her to either suck on my head and jerk me off fast with one or two hands, or hold her mouth open with her tongue out and jerk me off into it, licking my head while she does...

    playing with and/or licking and sucking the balls is a plus, but optional.

    the biggest thing is to just give 110%, because the effort will be appreciated, and believe me, when I go down on a girl, I give 110%.
  8. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    Where it is impressive when a girl can deep throat it, really not necessary. Hand on shaft, tongue and lips to the head of it where the majority of the nerve endings are. Circle the head, lick the slit, stroke the shaft. Lightly squeeze the balls. Diddle his ass if he allows access. He will let you know what feels good...if he's smart anyway. Talk to your partner or pay close attention to their reactions whether sucking cock or any other foreplay. Hell, if you can't talk to your lover, who can you talk to?:)
  9. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    a counselor *rimshot*
  10. MattMan2002

    MattMan2002 Sex Lover

    Dec 16, 2006
    I picked other

    I prefer no grip. the no hands approach is much sexier I think. its like she trusts me not to hurt her type thing and the when she just takes it all in with out me doing anything is the best.
  11. SilverLycan

    SilverLycan The XnXX Alpha Wolf

    Jul 31, 2008

    Agreed. A handless BJ can be really nice.
  12. Tsuchigo

    Tsuchigo Porn Surfer

    Jul 26, 2008
    zomg, has to be firm. Maybe its a result of doing it myself too many times, but the harder the better. My girl thinks I'm masochistic or something. I think I just know what i like ^_^
  13. kiwisoccer

    kiwisoccer Sex Lover

    Nov 4, 2008
    - filming it
    - looking up at me
    - licking your tounge all over the shaft and head (very the pase and firmness)
    - most important thing dont forget to play with the balls
    - dirty talking about how good my cock feels in your mouth
    - try deep throat the whole cock every once and a while
  14. gondo

    gondo Porn Surfer

    Aug 9, 2008
    Try to remember the "blow" part of blow job is just an expression...
  15. The Fur

    The Fur Porno Junky

    Jul 21, 2007
    I like nipple play a lot, tugging, teasing, breaking from the bj to suck on my nipples, I love it! Ball play doesn't do a whole lot for me, but I like it. I guess advice I've offered and have had offered to me about going down on chicks also works on going down on guys. Just act like you're starving and it's the best thing you've ever tasted. Enthusiasm always counts, and can cover any "mistakes". Oh, and eye contact is very, very hot.
  16. TrojanLifestyles

    TrojanLifestyles Amateur

    May 14, 2008
    I think it all depends on the situation if its intense by all means be rough but if its a relaxed setting be sensual i guess
  17. BenP

    BenP Sex Machine

    Jun 3, 2006
    > Don't give up and remember that it isn't a race to a finish. Done correctly it is just the beginning of the journey.

    > Firm but sensitive grip. Firm like you are holding a priceless crystal vase. Not too hard and not too loose. You don't want to rub it raw but he should feel your fingers.

    > While you are stroking down, move your mouth down at the same time. Consider your hand an extension of your lips.

    > You don't need to go deep but you should try and get your lips past the ridge at the bottom of the cock head. That is really the sensitive part anyway.

    > Saliva is a good lubricant. So is your pussy juice. Ride up and down a few strokes and then slide off and immediately place your lips on the head of his cock and suck it into your mouth.

    > Use your tongue. The cock is very sensitive and will respond to your warm, wet, tongue very nicely.

    > Suck. Not too much but apply a light vacuum pressure while you are on the up-stroke. Like you are sucking a milk shake through a straw.

    > Touch him elsewhere. The thighs, ass cheeks, ass crack, ass hole, etc. Especially the balls! Run your fingers up and down his legs. If he is excited, his muscles will tense up. You will feel this under the light touch of your fingertips and he will feel you touching him.

    > Dont give up.

    > Tell him what you are doing and what you are going to do when he cums.

    > Allow him to cum in your mouth and show him while you play with it before you swallow.

    > Above all... Enjoy what you are doing. Nobody likes a reluctant partner in anything, especially sex.

    > Last note...don't make him ask you for a blowjob (unless that is some sort of game you both play). There are times when you are with him that if you just reach in and pull his cock out and take control, you will simply blow his mind. Personally the reason for this is if I have to ask then I believe she really does not want to do it (see the previous step).
  18. captnm

    captnm Porno Junky

    Jul 19, 2007
    in a word - SUCK !!
  19. The Greek

    The Greek Porno Junky

    Nov 22, 2008
    First let me say that I've never had a blowjob that I didn't enjoy. What gets me going most, though, is to have some tongue action on the underside of the head. That's the most sensitive spot. I also enjoy having a woman play with my balls while she sucks my cock. Finally, if she'll play with my ass with the tip of one finger (or even more than the tip) that just tops it off for me.
  20. scottystevens

    scottystevens Porn Star

    Jan 14, 2008
    I don't remember what I like. It's been over a year since I had one.:x