Jamaica's Shanieka Rickettscompetes in the women's triplejump final during the Tokyo 2020Olympic Games at the OlympicStadium in Tokyo yesterday. (AFP)
July 8, 2023
#NationalTrials: Ricketts cops 5th national triple jump title
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Bouncing back from a bruised heel she suffered earlier in the season, Shanieka Ricketts copped her fifth national triple jump title on Saturday.
Ricketts, who is also a two-time World Championship silver medal winner in the event, leapt to a mark of 14.79m (+2.6m/s).
NCAA outdoor triple jump silver medallist Ackelia Smith of the University of Texas finished second with 14.26m.
Imani Oliver of Tracksmith finished third with a mark of 14.44m.