latest news
I have gotten some questions for Day 4 and thought it would be best to answer them here as well for those who were wondering:
The translations for Shadow over Blackmore Day 4:
They are coming, I know that the translators are working on it. But since I know that a "When is the update coming?" is not helping the progress when you are in the middle of it, at least from my experience

, I haven't asked them in a while. Give them some time, the translators do that kind of work for free, they only get the updates as soon as possible for it.
Is the raven gang in the artbook:
Yes, two out of three. The other is in an unrelated artwork somewhere on deviantart. I doubt that you will find it, but who knows

What about your next game, I have some ideas about it:
The thing is that I already have the ideas lying around, plenty of them. Coming up with a good femdom themed idea is the easiest and most fun thing, actually making the artwork, the coding and the writing is the harder part

. I think I've already decided what I want to do next. I will start with that rather soon and do some artwork for it so we can talk about it...but only after Femdom City has the final story update.
Now, the Femdom City Mantis update might come early...not before christmas because that is the time I usually am busy with other stuff as most of you guys as well, but somewhat shortly after. I have planned:
- Beatrix de Jaager ending
- Downtown gang ending
- Eva Smith ending
- Futa Squad ending
And an ending where you sort of escape on your own. After surviving 100 days in Femdom City you should have that option

. So I will finish these first! After that I will ask you, the community, to choose what else you want in the update or if you want it to be released. Things like a Mary Ending, the Uptown Questline finished and so on...
That is the plan, let us see how fast I can get it done, while renders are coming along I am a bit rusty with the animations in the old engine
Have a nice sunday and stay kinky!