(Supports wildcard *)Copyright
- ? fate/stay night 478
- ? fate (series) 3031
- ? medusa (fate) 44
- ? medusa (rider) (fate) 34
- ? chiezou 1
- ? grima180 (manipper) 81
- ? angry 2858
- ? blindfold 714
- ? bondage 7864
- ? breasts 116258
- ? erect nipples 17954
- ? female only 65486
- ? femsub 152954
- ? high heels 11503
- ? hypnotic audio 2383
- ? large breasts 63588
- ? long hair 65962
- ? maledom 41543
- ? purple hair 13010
- ? resisting 5516
- ? sex toy 4892
- ? vibrator 2183
- ? animated 10484
- ? animated gif 7123
- ? manip 17509
- ? story 1531
- ? text 94550
- Id: 59932
Posted: 2018-01-27 00:48:01
by Grima180 - Size: 969x1030
- Source:
- Rating: Explicit
- Score: 49 (vote up)
>> #230241
Score: 2 (vote Up)
I groaned, today’s board meeting had been an ordeal, and we only managed to get through half of the planned itinerary! How on earth could such intelligent people talk for so long and yet accomplish so little? I let out a sigh, then grinned, ‘At least I’ve got something to look forward to tonight.’ Even now, it was still a bit surreal to think about, and never in a million years would have predicted my role as an eager third wheel in a relationship between two of my students, but after a long discussion, we decided that what was done was done. Sakura was doing much better than before, both mentally and physically, and was responding well to the added relaxation our…sessions…brought to her life. She was smiling more often, her eyes had lost the heavy bags beneath them, and she looked far healthier in every way. Emiya continued to surprise me, I had always seen him as a nice boy with an unusual knack for fixing things, but the more I looked into his situation, the more intrigued I became. He lived with one of my co-workers, and had somehow managed to resist her corruptive influence to become a rather upstanding young man, or should I say, young master? I smiled to myself at my own terrible joke. Levity in the face of such perplexing times was never a bad thing in my opinion.
I continued to muse internally about the many shifts my life has gone through as I slipped into my car, tossing my bag in the passenger seat. As I began to drive over to our usual meeting place, I began to let my mind wander. While at first, I had mostly been an assistant, there to help with whatever Emiya had planned for Sakura, but recently, they had been making effort to include me. It was honestly bizarre, but I had found it both surprisingly easy and cathartic to let myself open up about myself, so long as we kept it to the bedroom. I thought back to our most recent session; they had been working on getting me to divulge my more intimate fantasies, but I had been resistant. I paused, trying to remember. I had told the two of them…something…it was right there on the very edge of my memories, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what it was. I had been telling them about myself, I remember that. I pulled into the empty parking space and sat there, just trying to reach back through the peculiar fog that seemed to fill my mind whenever I tried to think back to our discussion. They had definitely been asking about my innermost wants, my well-kept secret desires, but everything after that was a frustrating blank spot.
So distracted by my own muddled memories, I didn’t notice the man walking down the street until he suddenly opened the back door of my car. The sound of the mechanism swinging ajar jolted me out of my stupor, “Um, I’m sorry sir, but-Mmmph!” I was barely able to get out a squawk of indignation before a felt a damp rag pressed against my face. I inhaled sharply as panic began to set in, and a pungent yet sweet scent filled my nose. I twisted and flailed against the powerful grip holding the rag to my mouth and nose, but my seatbelt was holding me securely in place and preventing any attempts at running away. As I struggled, my already clumsy attempts at escape quickly became even more drunken as I breathed more and more of the intoxicating scent. My frantically clawing hands failed to budge the gloves on my neck, and my desperate struggles grew weaker and weaker, eventually ceasing as my eyes began to roll back in their sockets, followed by an overwhelming blank darkness blanketing my consciousness.
The transition into consciousness was slow, and it took a moment for my mind to fully register that I was awake. I could tell my eyes were open, but I couldn’t see anything. There was a moment of rising panic, have I gone blind? I blinked, desperately trying not to cry out of fear and felt my eyelashes rubbing against something, a blindfold. Relief washed over me, I wasn’t blind, it’s just that the darkness that meets them was indiscernible from their being closed. Another pang of fear settled into my stomach as my mind slowly processed the thought, and my memories of what happened began to rush back. Feeling worked its way into my limbs, and I grow aware of the restraints holding my limbs in place, spread and vulnerable. ‘Oh fuck-oh fuck.’ I tried to open my mouth only to find it filled with a gag. I began to breathe rapidly in and out before trying to calm myself down, but all I could think about was how my bare pussy felt both chilled by the cool air that surrounded me, and frighteningly full as I clenched around something foreign, long and hard in my body.
I attempted to move, and instead simply struggled against a web of ropes that ran all over my body. With a sickening lurch of vertigo, I could feel myself lightly swing back and forth. I ceased my efforts, and slowly came to a stop, just limply hanging in the harsh cradle of bonds suspending me above the ground. I heard the approach of an echoing click-clack of shoes against concrete, and strained to turn myself towards the sound, the sole stimuli beyond the pain of my protesting muscles and joints. The footsteps stopped right beside me, and I squirmed uncomfortably, trying to pinpoint the location of the presence. After a seemingly endless period of silence, I could feel the gag being removed from my aching jaw. I opened my mouth to speak, to plead and beg-
My voice vanished from my throat in an instant, choked by fear.
“Good girl, I have no interest in hearing anything out of your mouth tonight. No, I’m far more interested in your body, Ms. Rider.” The casual use of my name sent a fresh wave of fear and panic running through me, and I choked back a sob as I felt a hand run down my thigh, and I struggled uselessly against the bonds to rid myself of the unwanted touching. I heard him chuckle maliciously from beside me, I could tell it was a male by the way his mirth echoed around the room with a deep base rumble. Anxiety filled me as I felt his hand leave my thigh, I could hear his footsteps as he paced around my hanging form, and I squirmed, trying to figure out where he was through the cacophony of echoes that filled the small room. A startled gasp tore its way out of my throat as my breasts were suddenly assaulted, my tormenter’s fingers clawing painfully deep into my sensitive chest.
“You were always such a bitch of a teacher, always thinking yourself as so important and powerful, always holding it above your students like some kind of pride.”
I could feel tears begin to flow from beneath my blindfold, an angry student? That’s what this was about? Some old student out for revenge? I tried to remember anyone that I had failed throughout the years, anyone that would have a reason to do this.
“What do yo-“Ringing filled my ears as my blackened vision swam with stars. The side of my head ached as I shook it. I had been slapped. Rage filled me, and I growled into the darkness, jerking in my bonds, and again the dark chuckle filled the room.
“Good to see you aren’t just going to give up just yet. Would be such a shame if you gave in and broke before we got to the most delicious part of all of this.”
What on earth did he mean, what did he want with me? There was a brief ruffling sound, and then an ominous click. There was a moment of heavy silence, and then I jolted as Sakura’s sweet voice suddenly began to fill the small room. My heart dropped sickeningly into my stomach as I recognized the words; it was the training file that Sakura had made for me not long ago, designed to let me focus my submission onto somebody other than her. The dark voice began to laugh as I thrashed against my restraints in a mad attempt to escape, but the knots were tight and unyielding. Another click paused the recording and I stilled, breathing heavily as his laughter slowly died down.
“From your reaction, I can see that you understand the predicament you are in.”
I grit my teeth in defiance as I felt his hand on my body. They were calloused and rough against my skin as he ran them down my back and through my hair. He laughed again.
“That’s right, I’m not going to have to do anything to make you mine, I’m going to let your very own perversions and your kinky student’s voice do that for me.”
I had a rising feeling of hope in my chest. If that was all this freak’s plan, I wouldn’t have anything to worry about. As entrained as I was towards submission to Sakura’s voice, I knew if I focused, the words wouldn’t have any effect on me. As if reading my mind, my captor chuckled.
“Well, that and this baby right here should keep you from any thoughts of resisting for very long.”
I heard a beep, and I became acutely aware of the fullness in my cunt, a deep rumbling cutting through my thoughts as what must have been a high-powered vibrator suddenly came alive with a sickening buzz. I thrashed against the ropes as the powerful sensations ripped through me. Despite the terrifying situation I was in, I couldn’t hold back the throaty moan that flew from my lips as I bucked and strained against the pleasurable sensations being forced upon me. With another beep, the buzzing stopped, and I gasped for air as the voice laughed at me once again. With another click, the training file began to play once more, and the footsteps receded into the distance. I could already feel my helpless mind beginning to sink beneath the waves of warm relaxation that the words promised. No! I focused hard, creating mental walls to keep the pleasant words out, but all my fortifications instantly came crumbling down as a wave of pleasure tore through me from the vibrator as it began again. The sensations of pleasure from the stimulation fused with the feelings of pain at the harsh angles of my bindings to create a mind-bending spectrum that left me shivering and shaking when it finally came to a stop. I greedily sucked in air, trying to recover from the assault on my body, but in the meantime, Sakura’s voice had begun to slip inside my head and leave it warm and fuzzy. I groaned, gritting my teeth and mustering my defenses as best I could.
>> #230243
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #230244
Score: 0 (vote Up)
This took me waaay too long to make and I'm not totally happy with it, but gimp is a piece of crap sometimes, so I'm happy that it turned out as well as it did. I hope you all enjoy, and I'd love to get some feedback on this one. Also, I need a name for this pool, cuz I got nothing.
I think it turned out great, and the story is excellent as always as well. Maybe ‘Confiscated’, or ‘Teacher Pet’ for the pool name?
>> #230247
Score: 0 (vote Up)
Love this! It’s quite entrancing to just watch the words for a while. Submit, pleasure, serve, obey, give in, surrender, submit, pleasure, serve... <3
Sounds like the beginning of a fun night at apple;)
>> #230257
Score: 0 (vote Up)
I think it turned out great, and the story is excellent as always as well. Maybe ‘Confiscated’, or ‘Teacher Pet’ for the pool name?
I agree with Apple. I think "Teacher Pet" would be a pretty good name, depending on how the story ends up going.
>> #230325
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #230327
Score: 0 (vote Up)
And the same words..
What, you thought they were gonna change? ;p
>> #230328
Score: 0 (vote Up)
What, you thought they were gonna change? ;p
The brain STOP working.
>> #230460
Score: 0 (vote Up)
>> #230515
Score: 0 (vote Up)
I was going to pop in and talk about Medusa and what might be wrong with lore. Buut this has nothing to do with Fate so... bye.