BANESCO CREDIT CARD 2024: How to apply for it ONLINE?

BANESCO CREDIT CARD 2024: How to apply for it ONLINE?

BANESCO CREDIT CARD 2024: How to apply for it ONLINE? Users who wish to apply for a credit card at Banesco must provide a series of simple documents.

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BANESCO CREDIT CARD 2024: How to apply for it ONLINE?

The financial institution Banesco has enabled the option to apply for a credit card online. To do so, you only need to meet a series of requirements. By having it, users who have a bank account in said entity will have a period of up to 36 months to make payments in comfortable installments.

What are the requirements to apply for a credit card at Banesco?

Those who wish to apply for a credit card at Banesco must submit the following requirements:

  • Copy of the identity card.
  • Proof of employment, valid for a maximum of 3 months.
  • Tax Information Registry (RIF)
  • If you are a self-employed worker, income certification.
  • Tax Information Registry (RIF) and Commercial Business Registry, if you are a business owner.
  • Proof of retirement or pension, if applicable.

Step by step to complete the online application

To carry out the process successfully, we provide you with a detailed guide:

  • Access the Banesco web portal.
  • Next, select the “Internet Banking” field and then choose the “online credit card applications” option.
  • Now, log in with your username and password in BanescOnline.
  • Click on “Create Request”, choose the type of card and complete the form.
  • Validates the response of the request.
  • Check that it is pre-approved and proceed to digitize the documents.
  • Check your file in BanescOnline and then in Internet Banking/Online credit card applications.
  • Download the documents and save them to your computer or mobile device.
  • Continue the process by logging into the portal once more.
  • Select the “Manage/Track Requirement” option.
  • Next, select the product type, in this case “current accounts, savings accounts and FAL”; and as a requirement, choose “Natural credit card application management”.
  • Finally, check the response to your request in BanescOnline using the file number.

BANESCO CREDIT CARD 2024: How to apply for it ONLINE?

2024-07-13 17:05:05

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